Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ray- a drop of golden sun...

Oh, it was nothing physical, but a sudden rush of joy on seeing the perfect combination of the golden eyes of the fawn in front of her and the white crysnathemums in the flower pot near her...Ummmm.. in life there are some moments, some situations which make us inexplicably happy. When every sense is hieghtened and all we can feel is unadulterated joy.Well this was exactly how daisy felt at this moment.She went home humming and then sat down at her study table, trying to reconstruct the beautiful feeling she had experienced in the form of words.

Well, i wont tell u what she exactly wrote( u see that comes much later) but when she showed it to her parents, they were very pleased.Specially her dad with whom daisy shared a relationship that was mainly dominated by fear at least from her side.This my friends was the begining of the second new relevation in daisy's life.That she could write....not just boring assignments and school essays but poems, stories, just like the dog eared ones she used to read at night under the covers. Hmm... daisy's life seemed to be taking a bright turn.She had a new best friend now, her emerald green diary.It contained snippets of her world, records of those rare and satisfying moments in life, as well as those grief filled ones in which she was sure that she would die in the next ten minutes of heart break.
There is this invisible social ladder everywhere we go. Well it was there in daisy's school as well. And guess what, she was rapidly climbing up. The moment the pen released the rush of words in her head , by some magical connection she bacame fluent as well..Teachers who hardly used to notice her started to appreciate and the effect on daisy was somewhat akin to the effect of summer rains on daffodils. She bloomed and became a source of joy to everyone around her.
Rhea remained her best friend and they used to sit together always. Weekends, they used to stay over at each others houses.
Thus it was on a lazy sunday afternoon at her place that daisy met Ron, rhea's cousin...


  1. where's Me- a name i call myself?? :P

    Very smart names uh!! I was just going through my prev. posts and sorry for the delayed reply... specially when it comes to this topic... YES!! @ Rand. Its been a way of life ever-since she came!! But I didn't mention her anywhere in the tag, why'd you ask?? Just curious!!

  2. and @your post... there's more to come right??

    go go go... :)

    Until later, see you when I see you... :D
